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Terms and conditions of sale

For all questions relating to an order or to the general terms and conditions of sale set out below,

you can reach us by phone on 06 69 68 64 76 

or contact us by e-mail at


These general terms and conditions of sale apply ipso jure to all sales of products concluded between :


Article 1 - PURPOSE

- MAISON FT, a Société par Actions Simplifiées (simplified joint stock company), registered in the Lyon (69) Trade and Companies Register under number 838 906 675 00015 , whose registered office is located at :

7, place Gabriel Péri

69007 Lyon


Hereinafter referred to as "The Seller",


- Non-trading individuals with the capacity to contract who wish to purchase one or more items marketed on the website accessible from the URL address

Hereinafter referred to as "The Customer",

In accordance with the provisions of article L 113-3 of the French Consumer Code, the present general terms and conditions of sale are brought to the attention of the Customer when the order is placed, and appear on the MAISON FT website.

MAISON FT may modify its terms and conditions of sale, published on its website, at any time.

The general terms and conditions of sale applicable are those in force on the website, on the day the order is placed by the Customer.



Any order placed by the Customer implies his unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions of sale.

The Customer is informed and accepts that the Vendor may entrust delivery operations to third parties of its choice.


Article 3 - PRODUCTS

The products sold by MAISON FT are those listed on the website on the day of consultation by the Customer.

Each product is described in detail, including photograph, price, sizes, available colors (if any) and main features.

Product photographs may include minor differences between the product and the illustration, depending on the color resolution of the Customer's computer screen.

MAISON FT is committed to delivering products that comply with legal and regulatory health and safety requirements.



The customer places the order online, on the website accessible from the URL address

The customer must create a customer account in the "My Account" section.

Any order placed by the Customer obliges the latter to pay in full when the order is placed.

Therefore, all orders will only be definitively taken into consideration once payment has been accepted.

Orders cannot be modified once they have acquired the status "in preparation".

Pre-orders cannot be cancelled, since production and order volumes are based on the number of pre-orders placed.

MAISON FT commits to honor orders within the limits of available stocks and to deliver pre-orders within the announced deadlines.

If there is a delay in delivery, MAISON FT will inform all customers who have placed a pre-order.

If the item ordered is not available, the Customer will be informed immediately and will have the option of cancelling the order, and will be reimbursed within seven (7) days.

In case of unavailability of more than seven (7) days or in case of permanent stock shortage, MAISON FT will cancel the order and will refund the sums paid by the Customer.

MAISON FT has the right to cancel or refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute over payment of a previous order.

MAISON FT may issue a credit to the Customer in case of unavailability of a product following a return for exchange or unavailability of size.

The credit note is valid for one (1) year for all new orders placed on the website at

However, the customer has the option of requesting a refund of the credit note for the duration of its validity.

MAISON FT may ask the customer for proof of identity and / or address to ensure the identity of the holder of the credit card used for payment.


Article 5 - PRICES

The prices indicated on the product sheets are in Euros, and include all taxes, but exclude shipping costs.

The applicable value-added tax is that in force in mainland France on the day of the order.

MAISON FT reserves the right to change prices at its convenience.

Products ordered are invoiced at the rates in force when the order is registered, subject to product availability.

The total price indicated in the order confirmation includes the price of the products, handling and shipping costs.

For certain items, additional shipping costs will be added to the flat-rate shipping costs, the amount of which will be duly specified in the sales offer.

Product prices for French overseas departments and territories, Switzerland and other non-EU countries do not include VAT.

Orders placed on the website for destinations outside mainland France may be subject to taxes and customs duties.

It is the customer's responsibility to find out about any customs duties and charges applicable to his situation when placing an order.

These customs duties and any other charges shall be borne exclusively by the Customer.



Upon acceptance of the order by the Vendor, the Customer undertakes to pay the Vendor in full. Failing this, the order will not be processed. Payment of the order is made either :

  • Or by credit card
  • Or by Paypal
  • By Apple Pay
  • Payment in 2, 3 or 4 instalments with Alma at no cost to the customer (charges are borne by Maison FT).

Transactions carried out on the website are protected by the universal SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption system.

The customer's bank details are known only to the "HiPay" bank and do not pass through the web server of the website.



The products ordered are sent to the delivery address indicated by the Customer at the time of ordering, provided that this is within the authorized delivery zones specified in the sales offer.

In case of error or omission by the Customer in the communication of the delivery address, the Company MAISON FT can not be held responsible for the inability to deliver the products ordered.

MAISON FT commits to deliver the products within a maximum of ten (10) days from receipt of payment.

If the delivery time is exceeded and not justified by a case of force majeure, the Customer will have the right to request the cancellation of the sales contract, and to obtain reimbursement of the sums paid within a period of fourteen (14) days.
The Customer is solely responsible for the return of parcels by the carrier.

MAISON FT commits to send the product(s) free of charge to the customer in metropolitan France from €60 (sixty euros) of purchase, or to charge less than €5 (four euros) for delivery below €60 (sixty euros ) of purchase.

MAISON FT will contact the customer by email, if necessary, so that the customer can provide his full address and a check for the shipping costs of his order in the amount of :

  • Fifteen Euros (15.00 Euros) maximum for shipment within Europe (home delivery)
  • Twenty-five Euros (25.00 Euros) maximum for shipment to the rest of the world (home delivery).

If there is no response from the Customer within one (1) month from the sending of the email, MAISON FT will proceed with the resale of the products ordered.

The customer will receive a credit note for the amount of the order, excluding shipping costs, or may request a refund of the credit note.

For orders placed on Thursday or Friday in July and August, the customer will be delivered on the Tuesday of the following week, due to the fact that our carriers are not allowed to operate on weekends during these two months.

As the establishment is closed from August 1st to 15th, any order placed between July 30th and August 16th will be processed from August 16th, without penalty for MAISON FT.



The customer may withdraw from this contract without giving any reason within fourteen (14) clear days from the date on which he takes physical possession of the goods.

The customer must notify his intention to cancel the sale by e-mail within fourteen (14) clear days, to the following address:

The Customer may use the following withdrawal form or any other unambiguous statement:

(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the sale).

"For the attention of MAISON FT,

7, place Gabriel Péri

69007 Lyon


I, the undersigned (surname, first name, address) hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract for the sale of goods (specify description), ordered on (specify date) and received on (specify date).
Signature and date.

The Customer will immediately receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the withdrawal.

In order for this withdrawal period to be respected, the Customer must transmit his communication concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period. In the event of retraction, the cost of returning the products will be borne by the Customer.

On receipt of the returned products, the refund will be made using the same means of payment that the Customer used for the initial transaction, unless the Customer and the Vendor expressly agree on a different means; in any event, this refund will not incur any costs for the Customer.

Products must be returned without undue delay, and in any event no later than fourteen (14) days after notification of the decision to cancel. This deadline is deemed to have been met if you return the products before the fourteen (14) day deadline has expired.

In all cases, products must be returned in new, unworn and unwashed condition, in their original packaging and accompanied by the invoice.

Products must be returned to the following address:

Company MAISON FT,

7, place Gabriel Péri

69007 Lyon


The consumer is liable in the event of depreciation of goods resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of these goods, i.e. when items are returned incomplete, damaged, used or soiled.


Article 9 - GUARANTEES

The Vendor undertakes to deliver goods in conformity with the order placed by the Customer.

In the event of non-conformity, the Vendor is liable for defects in the conformity of the goods covered by the contract, under the conditions set out in article L 211-4 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, as well as for hidden defects in the goods sold, under the conditions set out in articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code.

"Article L.211-5 of the French Consumer Code:

To conform to the contract, the good must :

1- Be fit for the use ordinarily expected of similar goods and, where applicable :

- correspond to the description given by the Seller and possess the qualities presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;

- have the qualities that a purchaser may legitimately expect having regard to the public statements made by the Vendor, the producer or his representative, particularly in advertising or labelling;

2- Or present the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the Seller and accepted by the latter."

When a request under this legal guarantee of conformity is made by the Customer, the request should be sent by e-mail to the following contact address: (include "legal guarantee of conformity" in the subject line of the e-mail) or by post to the following address:

Société MAISON FT, Legal warranty of conformity

7, place Gabriel Péri

69007 Lyon


The Customer is hereby informed that, in the event of an action under the legal warranty of conformity, he shall be entitled to choose between repair or replacement of the goods. However, the Vendor may not proceed according to the purchaser's choice if this choice would entail a cost manifestly disproportionate to the other method, taking into account the value of the good or the importance of the defect. The Vendor is then obliged to proceed, unless this is impossible, according to the method not chosen by the purchaser.

The legal warranty applies independently of any commercial warranty.

If the customer decides to invoke the warranty against hidden defects of the item sold, as defined in article 1641 of the French Civil Code, and only in this case, he may choose either to cancel the sale or to reduce the price in accordance with article 1644 of the French Civil Code.

The company Maison FT undertakes to pay the costs of returning a product, as part of an exchange. This will be done by means of a refund, once the shipping costs have been communicated and established by Maison FT.

Article 10 - STOCK

Customers are informed that, for products offered for sale on the website, delivery times and prices are only guaranteed while stocks last.



Products are sold under reservation of ownership.

The Vendor retains ownership of the products until full payment has been received from the Customer.


Article 12 - FORCE MAJEURE

Neither party may be held liable if it is prevented or delayed from fulfilling its obligations due to force majeure, resulting from an unforeseeable, irresistible event beyond its control.

In particular, in the event of fire, climatic events, natural disasters or any other accident causing the total or partial destruction of the company, a general strike, lack of motive power or raw materials resulting from a general cause.

In the event of force majeure, delivery will be postponed to a later date once the force majeure event has ceased, without the Customer or the Vendor being able to claim any compensation for any prejudice whatsoever.

If the force majeure event lasts longer than four (4) weeks, either party may terminate the contract by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, free of charge.

In this case, the Vendor will refund the sums paid by the Customer at the time the order was placed, to the exclusion of any other compensation owed by the Vendor to the Customer.



To exercise his right of withdrawal, the Customer must send an email to the Company MAISON FT, at the following address:

To track the progress of their order, customers can log on to the "My Account" section of the website.



In accordance with the French law n°78-17 Informatique et Libertés of January 6, 1978, the Customer has the right to access, rectify and oppose, at any time, all his personal data by sending a request by mail to the Company MAISON FT, located at 7, Place Gabriel Péri - 69007 Lyon, FRANCE.

Depending on the choices made by the Customer when creating or consulting his Customer account, the Customer may receive offers from MAISON FT, its service providers and its partners.

The customer may at any time request a change to the choices made, either by accessing the "my account" section on the website, or by sending a request by e-mail to



All texts, comments, images and product illustrations reproduced on the website are the exclusive property of MAISON FT, and are protected by copyright, trademark, patent and image rights.

Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, even automated of the products or pages of the site is constitutive of counterfeit being able to engage the civil and penal liability for its author.

Only the automatic indexing of site pages resulting from natural referencing in Internet search engines is authorized.

MAISON FT is a registered trademark in blue, surmounted by a blue arrow and accompanied by a red base below, owned by MAISON FT, and registered with the INPI under number 4216732.

Thus, in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, only the use of texts, comments and images for private use is authorized.

MAISON FT reserves the right to take legal action to guarantee its rights against any person acting to its detriment in violation of these provisions and more generally of copyright, trademark, patent and image rights.



These terms and conditions of sale are governed by French law.

All relations arising from the connection to and/or use of this site are subject to French law.

Any dispute between the Vendor and the Customer arising from the formation, interpretation or execution of the sales contract will be subject to a prior attempt at an amicable solution, before any legal recourse.

In the absence of an amicable solution, legal proceedings will be brought before the French courts with territorial jurisdiction.

 For all questions relating to an order or to the general sales conditions presented above, 

you can reach us by telephone on 06 43 34 30 54 

or contact us by e-mail at


To find Maison FT products:

Vêtements bio- Vêtements eco-responsable- Vêtements made in France- T-shirt bio- T-shirt eco-responsable- T-shirt made in France-Sweatshirt bio- Sweatshirt eco-responsable- Sweatshirt made in France - Maison FT



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